Thursday, June 6, 2013

Before And After

  As most weavers know, preparation takes up a lot of our time for a lot of projects.  Besides planning a project, winding the warp and dressing the loom, a weaver might also have to prep the weft. 

  It's time for me to weave some more rag bags for the Fall sales, and I needed to dye some mop cord for the handles.  I measured off several hanks of cord for eight bags, and pre-soaked the mop cord.  And, into the dye bath they went.

  I also had an eight pound roll of white fabric that was printed white on white.  I pulled off several yards of fabric to throw in the dye after I removed the mop cord.  I got quite a surprise when it came out of the dye!!!

  Everything is on the porch to dry....we have isolated showers forecast for today.  I'm planning on finishing up the rug on the loom, then I can get started on some bags.
  Sounds like a plan to me!!!!  Since it's gonna rain, I might as well weave!
Happy Weaving!