It's the Birthday Girls!!!
Today is Ms. Ila's birthday,
and tomorrow is Linda's birthday!
Ms. Ila has declared that next year we are having a BIG birthday bash since it will be a BIG birthday for her! We'll keep that in mind.
Pat is really on a roll these days. She had such a great time at the Anita Mayer workshop, and has let her creativity go wild! Case in point: her new handwoven vest! As Pat said, "One thing just led to another."
Christy brought her scarf to work on the fringes at the Center today. Isn't that a great way to keep those fringes the same length!!!
And, Maggie was busy hand stitching the hem on those beautiful napkins that she wove on Big Bertha. The new apron for that loom should be here by next week, and then Maggie can start the coverlets.
Since Allan is out of town, the rug loom is available for others to weave on. Tina thought it would be fun to try a plastic bag rug, and that was the project for today! The Weavers chipped in and brought their used plastic bags from their favorite stores, and those got sorted by colors, put in stacks of ten, cut in half, and chained together. (Meanwhile, at the far left of the photo you can see Carl working on the barn loom, Andy was back on her loom, Lanny worked on his towels, and Marie and Linda just watched in amazement as Tina chained those bags together.)
Ann took a break from weaving on her rug warp to join in the plastic bag sorting.
It wasn't too long until Tina was going gang busters on the loom, and before the day was over, she had woven one rug! This rug would be great for houses with indoor pets: just take it outside and hose it down! Someone even suggested RV owners or houseboat people might find them just the right ticket for lifestyle.
Judy got some weaving done on the placemats that she started.
Two warps were cut off today. (Well, one warp and two sets of place mats from Marie's loom.) We even started hemming those place mats at the Center. Marie tied her warp back on the loom, and she'll weave the runner for her mats before she starts a different weft fabric. That warp lends itself to a wide range of fabric choices for the weft.
With Carol visiting her family, I'm sure she'll be glad to know that Grace popped in several times today to check on us. Grace was one of the founders of the Center back in the '70's, and wove with us until a few months before she passed. But, it was so lovely outside, that she didn't stay too long.
And, Carol......we were productive today!
Happy Weaving!
Sounds like a very productive day. Sorry that I had to miss. I had a guilt feeling all day. I got a lot of production done also. Just another type.