Monday, March 18, 2013


I had some trouble getting pictures to come up on this page today. I'm not used to this computer so will just have these pictures up here today. Maybe next week I can add a few of the ones I couldn't get to upload.
So, I'm in Canada again, visiting family in Moose Jaw. It was an unexpected trip because I don't much like winter anymore, but it's always good to be here with family!!!
I flew up on Thursday which was an adventure in itself. I flew  through Denver. I was to have almost 2 hours there which I like. You don't feel so rushed or worry that you'll miss you connection. We got there early and I got to my gate in good time. Then we all got on the plane to Regina. We pulled back from the gate, drove in a big circle and pulled back in. Mechanical issue. So we all got off the plane and they announced that we would all move from gate 42 to gate 80...........and wait an hour for a new plane. We ended up 2 hours late to Regina so my niece's new husband had to patiently wait for me at the airport. We were also fairly worried because they predicted snow up here in the afternoon and I was worried about being stuck in Regina or would we have to fly to Saskatoon or back to Denver like a few years ago....but all was well and we landed, got my ride to Moose Jaw and family!
Friday afternoon we went to Walmart. I want you to check out the pavement. That's ice. They drive on this ice all the time. You have to watch how you walk because it's not always easy to see the ice. It had melted some a week earlier and then froze....
Yesterday we woke to this...........about 4 - 6 inches of snow. We needed to get out so we figured, fine, not bad, just clear the car and go.
 Nope, there was too much snow to do that. We'd need to shovel. Thankfully a neighbor was nearby with his snowblower clearing out the alley so he cleared the driveway as well. Do you have any idea how much work he saved  my sister and I from doing?!!! What a great neighbor!!
My sister has a bird feeder on her back deck. This little bird is so tame that you can walk in and out without it moving. I stood right by it and took 3 or 4 pictures of it!! The birds sit in the tree nearby and fly to the feeder at will!!

 Here's the front of the yards on her street. Remember, it's melted some in between so there used to be more snow but now with the added snow you keep piling it up from your sidewalks.

I don't enjoy winter anymore but it's still here. Wait a minute, isn't spring just around the corner? It sure is down in Knoxville. Like, temp in the 70s and everything starting to bloom. What a huge contrast?!!!  These piles and piles of snow will take awhile to melt. They're already contemplating how much flooding will happen in "spring"!!
I'm here for 2 weeks. My sister and I are going to be working on a project or two and keep an eye on Mom. Good thing we have inside projects!! I know Mom can't wait for spring to be here so she can be outside at times.
Until next week, stay warm and hope for no more snow............altho it's predicted every day this week up here, for now, it's sunny!!


  1. I am so glad you arrived safely. All that snow just means you'll stay warm inside and get your projects completed. Hugs to your Mom!

  2. Today, it's thunderstorms for Knoxville. I am glad you got there safe. Tell everyone hello for us, and hug your Mom for me too while you are at it!
