Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Three Susans

Today we were busy warping the looms that we will be needing for a special 2 day gig. We have been invited to do a hands on demonstration at a near by elementary school. We need to have 6 table looms warped and ready to weave with all the shuttles loaded and everything. Shannon had already wound the warps last week, so it was a matter of winding on the 3 yard warps and getting them ready to weave. I brought the first loom out of the annex as Marie was gathering the neccesary shuttles to pair with the looms. (Marie wound the stick shuttles for us as we were threading.) Once I had that first warp wound on the back beam Susan said that she would go and get another loom from the annex and get that one started as well.
I found a photo of Susan that I took just last week!
Right about then Pat let me know that she was getting ready to cut the rugs off of the Barn Frame Loom.
Right after that, if I remember correctly our other Susan said that she could finish drawing the first warp through the reed, tie on and weave about 2 inches, which left me free to go get a 3rd loom! (I had to go back among my photos to catch a picture of Susan #2, she is at the sink with her good buddy Kris right behind her!) So that is 1 loom warped and 2 in progress!
A little later on Judith told me that she was shocked at how quickly a rug can gobble up fabric strips and that she needed to cut more. So I got her set up and Marie took over to help her manage all that fabric. Round and Round! And Laura was ready to empty that full cloth beam we saw last week.
For Show and tell we had Mark and Jenny with projects. Mark made a table runner for his daughter and Jenny made a shawl. I know I took a picture of Jenny and her shawl but it isn't on my camera at all!
At the end of the day we had managed to get 2 of the looms completely ready to go and a third one was ready to go through the reed. I didn't head home until 4, though Marie and I did spend some time poking around in the annex for fabric strips.
If you are counting that is 2 Susans, where is the other one you might ask. Well, it didn't hit me until I got home, and I had to giggle, that I am the third Susan, and though it is my legal name, that name is only on documents and used in doctors offices etc.
Next week we will be continuing to get ready for the elementary school program so stay tuned! Until then this is Tina, for all!

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