Tuesday, June 11, 2024

All Wound Up!

Carol was in the studio today! I know that she usually is because she is our fearless leader, but she wasn't supposed to be there, her plans were cancelled at the last minute. Carol got here before the rest of us and got the new inventory tagged and ready to go upstairs.
There were warps being wound all over the place today! Erin had her project on the board in the kitchen and Betsy had one going on the bookcase! Marilyn had one going by the door like last week but I didn't get a picture of that.
It seems that the last couple of months have been all about winding warps! Part of the reason is that we are continually finishing projects like Shirley who is very quickly finishing her towel warp. Another reason is that in a couple of weeks there is going to be another Dye Day, and to make the most of our time at the dye pots there has to be plenty of warps and weft skeins like the ones that Marie is winding today.
Later on in the day I caught Erin putting her new warp on the loom and Shirley cutting off the last of the towel warp!
For Show and Tell we have the long awaited (at least for me!) Poncho wrap thingy that Patty made from that beautiful warp! She first showed us her new lables and then modeled the Poncho/Wrap thingy two ways.
That is all for this week, until next time this is Tina, for all

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