Tuesday, April 2, 2024

So Many Pretty Warps

It has been awhile since I gave you a peek at all the pretty projects in process, so that is the first thing I will do!
Warp and woven project!
Phyllis is working on a beautiful warp!
Shirley is loving her towel project!
Liz is threading her loom, and here is a lovely shiny warp on one of the table looms.
Betsy is working on her color and weave gamp, she likes the yellow weft so far.
I caught Liz number 2 threading a sample warp, and after I left today they sent me a picture of Patty cutting the warp off of her loom.
On the kitchen counter today was a donation that we chose things for our very own and the rest will be going to a charity we know that loves this craft stuff.
My job today was to put a 60 yard warp on the Leclerc Mira. The only way we can do such a thing is with a sectional warp beam, a tension box and a spool rack. By lunch time I had 3 @ 60yard sections wound. We timed winding the third section and it took all of 3 minutes to wind 60 yards!
Now it is time for Show and Tell!!! Phyllis brought in a crochet bedspread that her Aunt (I think) worked on and almost finished. Someone will finsh the edging and it will get washed and admired! Mark brought in a stack of 18 placemats that he had taken off of the loom last week!
Here is the pile of finished projects that are going upstairs to the shop this afternoon. Did you see Mark's placemats and Jenny's T-shirt rugs?
By 2:00 I had finished the warp on Mark's loom, and since the loom right next to it is going to need a new sectional warp in a week or 2 I just left my tension box and spool rack there.
That is all for this week, as always, this is Tina, for all

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