Tuesday, February 20, 2024
New Rug Warp and New Plans
Here they are again, the new Weavers, and it looks to me like they are getting along well! I really must get name tags on them so that I can learn their names!
Pat is in the middle of getting a new rug warp on the ole Barn Loom. She chose a variety of greens in this warp, she had wound it at home and brought it in early this morning and by the time I got there she was almost ready to thread.
Jenny was already on her second Tshirt rug, and Marilyn showed me her latest Inkle sample.
Liz is planning a new Baby Blanket, and Karin worked on a form for us to fill out and have at each loom so that if someone had to take over a project all of the information would be on hand, this is the first draft.
Now for Show and Tell, there has been a lot of conversation recently about what we need to be weaving in the coming months. Berea College shop had taken enough of our inventory that we need to replenish it, and then some! They are particularly interested in Placemats and Napkins, so Pat brought in several napkins that she has woven over the years, and Carol brought in the sweetest antique finger towel to show us.
Pat also brought in a blanket that she had woven and a stack of bowl cozies that she had sewn from fabric that Carol had woven last spring!
A couple of weeks ago Bonnie finished the fabric she was weaving on the Leclerc on the back row. She spent some time fashioning the top, but she wasn't very pleased with it. Little did she know that the top she had made matched the outfit that Carol had worn today. It ended up that Carol is going to take it home and do the finishing work to make it fit her to a tee!
Patty brought in her next class sample, she will be teaching at the Townsend Fiber Festival this spring. Mark and Judith bought a Serger this week, and he thought that the spools of thread were a lot easier to bring in than the Serger would have been!
That is all I have for you today, see you next week, Tina for all
Ya'll are always up to such interesting things. I love admiring all of your projects. Very nice about the Berea College shop as an outlet.