Tuesday, January 9, 2024
A "School" of New Students!
We were fewer in number today than usual, and it is a good thing too, because we had a "School" of new Students come today! 4 to be exact with a 5th one that will join us next week. I took several pictures of the learning process and I thought I would just post them as they happened.
While the students were busy with the business of learning how to weave there were many other things happening! There was a loom on it's side for a little while that took a joint effort to put to rights. I caught Liz weaving in the corner, and I found several warps that were either wound or fixing to be wound once the students had finished their warps.
Then it was time for Show and Tell! Jenny came back from her cruise with some lovely trinkets as she calls them, one is crochet and the other is embroidered layers of felt with cut outs. Joycelyn was warning us about the labled bamboo kit that she had put on her warp, it was supposed to be 2 scarves and it ended up being 4 scarves and a mobious! Then Mark of course had a scarf that he had taken off the loom this week. It had ended up warp faced, so for the second one he widend the sett and he found that the fabric was much more open. Maybe we will see that next week!
Finally we took part today in a tradition that LouAnn started several years ago. Every January we read outloud to the group something that was our intention to do in the coming year. I pulled all of the slips of paper out of the jar and unfolded them to read to the group. It was surprising how many of us were able to say that we had done all or part of our goal. Some of us had a year that did not cooperate and so we were unable to complete reach our goal. Of course, one note was from Sharon and one was from LouAnn. Sharon intended to learn a new weave structure, and LouAnn intended to empty her looms this year. She didn't get a chance to do that though, but I am sure that the weavers who took over her looms have emptied them for her, I know I did. Next week, we will fill out new slips of paper with a goal or two for 2024, to open in January of 2025, and so we start the cycle all over again.
til next week, Tina for all
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