Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Wrapping up the Show and Potluck too!

It was a busy day at the Weaving Center today! I got there early because I had all of the show inventory in my car, and the first order of business is checking in the merchendise to make sure that everything that hadn't sold was there, and it was! Yay! We had a pretty good show even though we felt like there wasn't as much public as there has been in years past.
Last week we were supposed to have the pot luck that we normally have on the 5th Tuesday of the month. We decided to do it this week since checking in inventory is a lot quicker than checking out inventory. So here is the spread today.....
Once lunch was finished it was time for show and tell. Peggy brought in a shawl that she wove using a warp that Sharon had wound before she left us early this year.
Peggy also showed us a scarf she had woven from one of our hand dyed scarf kits and the next bowl cozy warp ready to go on a loom.
Charlotte brought in her latest creations, placemats and table mats.
Jenny showed us a couple of small bags she picked up at SAFF this year. She thought it might be something we could think about doing with some of our small pieces of woven fabric.
Patty showed us a couple of different ways to wear a wrap she had bought from our booth at the show. (I had a hard time keeping up!)
Patty had also been busy at her circular sock machine! It looks like a wreath but it is several pairs of socks.
Mark brought it a couple of bookmarks he made this week. He also cut a warp off today!
That's it for this week! We will see you next Tuesday, Tina for all

1 comment:

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed your post! Your insights are enlightening. Please write more!
