Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Changing Colors
Here in East Tennessee the trees are starting to change colors. You can see among the green leaves a hint of red from the Maples or yelllow from the Poplars or maybe it is Oak leaves turning brown. In the Studio this week we have much the same thing going on. Whether it is a change of weft color or a new warp getting threaded, things are changing!
Jenny has changed her weft from a mixture of blues to something completely different for the next set of placemats and runners!
Shirley started threading her towel warp and it is looking good!
Pat finished a yarn rug last week and this week she is starting a fabric rug.
We got our order of 8/4 cotton in and we will have these cones available for projects as soon as they are checked in and on the shelf. Laura is rearranging the shelves and filling in the empty spaces.
We had a special visitor today, Carol will be sad she missed him! Alan came by for a visit and he brought us some of his weaving books. I snapped a quick picture of Alan and Pat.
Jenny brought in a new version of the Green book that she recently purchased.
Shannon brought in a scarf she had woven from Sharon's stash, I also took an upclose view so that you could see the subtle pattern.
Charalotte brought in some pieces that she made from the thrums she takes home from the Center. She is amazing!
Patty amazed us with a Clasped Weft scarf. She admitted that it took a long time to do, but the results are really nice.
Last but not least, Mark brought in a scarf he wove for his daughter.
We are as busy as can be and the fall show is mere weeks away, we will be pulling things together from the shop and from our homes to fill our booth the first weekend in November. (More on that next week) Until then, this is Tina, for all
Weaving with thrums is a great idea. And look at all that 8/4! Oh my.