Tuesday, September 26, 2023

New Warps and Fabric on the Looms

It is time for an update on some of the existing projects. Bonnie is making some lovely fabric with a multicolored warp.
Jenny was asking me this morning about the tricks for the selvedges on her placemat project. I had been weaving on it before I passed it on to her.
Marilyn is making progress on her towel warp.
Shirley and Betsy are getting a new warp on Shirley's loom.
Dana is winding a white warp for towels.
Margi is working on Christmas items to sell at the Fall show.
Carol and Liz are deep in conversation planning her next warp.
Marilyn is showing Shannon her new Inkle weaving project.
Pat is beginning to put a new warp on the Old Barn Loom.
I took most of those pictures when I walked in just after 10am this morning. Now it is lunch time and after lunch is Show and Tell!------------------------------------------ Patty brought in a scarf that she had woven from some warps she had dyed. She said that for some reason she made a lot of pink warps, so she hopes several people come in who love the color pink!
Pat brought in a long vest that she had woven and then sewn! Jenny did the fashion show for us.
Mark showed us a cover that he wove, Judith had told him it had to be interesting!
Carol brought in a couple of pieces that she had dip dyed on dye day.
Soon after Show and tell was packed away I saw that Pat was making progress on her warp! In fact by the end of the day she had it all on the back beam. I was also able to finish the sectional warp that I had been winding on the baby Macomber.
Next week these warps with be threaded and ready to go. I will continue warping sectionally one loom to my right on the Norwood with a navy warp in 8/4 for placemats. More on that next week..... That is all for this week, Tina for all

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