Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Like Peas and Carrots!

 Several years ago there was a movie called "Forest Gump".  In this movie Forest told Jenny that they went together like Peas and Carrots.  That is the phrase that I was thinking about today as I surveyed the students manning the table looms that were covering the work tables at the Center this morning.  

Each new student is loaned an Ashford table loom that they can easily bring back and forth from their home to the Center while they are learning the basics of weaving.  Here at the Center we have at least 6 small Ashford table looms that we loan out to students, if a student has one already we welcome the opportunity to help the student learn weaving on their very own loom.  

Today I have pictures of 5 of the students, I know I missed  a couple today, as they were not there or not on their looms as I was working on the blog pictures and content this morning.


  First up we have Jenny who found out about the    Appalachian Arts Craft Center at the fiber festival   that is held in Towns TN at the foot of the Smokey Mountains.  Jenny brings her very own Louet 8 shaft table loom to the Center.  


The next loom is one of our Ashford looms with Paul weaving his piece.  Paul too found out about us at the Heritage Fiber Festival in Townsend, TN.  He has had an interest in weaving ever since his wife had to weave fabric as part of her College curriculum.  He recently found out that his sister had a floor loom stored in a closet that she hadn't used in years, the loom ended up coming home with him.  Paul wove a scarf or two on his own and then decided that he wanted to take some lessons, and well here he is!


Joanna came to us already knowing how to spin yarn of her very own!  She drove by one day and noticed the craft Center and came in to find that we gave all sorts of classes, one being the ongoing weaving class.  Joanna is using one of our Ashford table looms.


Judith also drove by the Center one day and found out that we gave weaving lessons.  I guess the signs outside do a good job!


Next I have Phyllis, and I am embarrassed to say that I have plum forgot how Phyllis came to us!  We sure talked about it, but I didn't write anything down but her name!  Oh Dear, we must have been having a good time!

I know that Vicky was there putting a warp on her very own rigid heddle loom, but I was in heddle fixer mode and forgot that I was the blogger and should have taken her picture as well.  I guess there is always next week.

Finally,  we said our final goodbye to our dear friend Sharon last Friday.  There were  20 weavers in attendance at Sharon's funeral.  There were several speakers at the funeral, one from each group of people of which Sharon played a part.  All of her groups were represented, Church, Knitting, Weaving, Book clubs, and her political party as well.  I learned several things about Sharon that I did not know!  One of which was that she never wore matching socks or matching earrings!  How in the world did I miss that!

Sharons favorite quotes

     Sharon, we love and miss you!

           Tina, for all


  1. Tina you are doing a wonderful job with the blog!

  2. Agreed. Tina carry on as long as possible.
