Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Such A Busy Place!!!


  Say Hello to our newest weaver, Judy.  Carol is helping her unwind some yarn...not just a beginner's mistake.  You get hypnotized as you're winding and forget to check your count!  (I've done it!) 

She might have gotten distracted by the conclave going on right behind her!!!  There's always something going on!


  Marie was winding a bowl cozy warp.  It's a rather short warp, but it's to use up some hand dyed yarn.

Then we had the (twisted) twisting sisters finishing the fringes on their shawls.  Wow!  That takes some time!  Liz and Lou Ann got a chance to chat while they twisted!

Betsy had a strange problem this morning.  The angle irons that you use to engage the harness had twisted and fell out of it's place.  I think all is right with it now.

  These back row ladies really get it done!  Hats off to Laura, Linda and Bonnie!

  She's almost through rethreading.  Tina is going to be so glad to get to weave on this warp.

  It looks as though I made a mistake when I threaded this warp!  There is a length of white thread coming off the beam!  But the weaving looks great.  Patty's rug looks great!

Karen has finished her twill samples and she's ready to weave her two table runners.  She already has a plan for where they will go!

 Today was a good day to cut off warps, too!  Candace has finished her sample warp, and now she'll need to decide what to weave next!

  Shirley's placemats are finished, and ready to be hemmed!

Last, but now the least, Pat cut off a BUNCH of rugs from the barn loom.  I bet we find out next week how many were on that cloth beam!

Stay warm and safe, Fiber Friends.  Winter is really here!!!


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year, all you Tuesday Weavers!
