Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Work Day


 Before it got too hot, or rained, several of the TW got busy moving items from the old annex to the new one.  Marie, Tina, Pat, Marilyn and Pearl got a lot done!!!

There are still some things to move over, such as our show equipment.  They are also planning on putting some low shelves down the middle of the space.

Patty worked inside winding warps for Dye Day.  After lunch, Marie and Marilyn wound weft warps.

During lunch, Pearl finished her warp of nine placemats--it does make a nice toga!

Pat presided over the noon meeting.  Marie was able to report that we had a great month upstairs in the shop!!!  (I'm thinking that we need to send out a big thank you to the folks from the tour....did you do a little shopping???)

  We've been reminded we have a lot to do this month!  (And a potluck on the 5th Tuesday!)  Plus, November will be here before we know it!!!

Yes....we did get a little weaving done, Carol.  I know you are wondering.................

  I wanted to give a shout out to Susan from FL.  Thank you for the kind words--please visit us when you are in this neck of the woods again!

  And, to Judi--thank you for your kind comment.

Happy Weaving, fiber friends!


1 comment:

  1. We will have the new annex up and running before you know it!
