Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Lot More!


  WOW!  The grass doesn't get a chance to grow under Pat's feet!  Last week she cut off her rug warp, and she already has a new warp ready to put on the loom, and she has cut strips for the first rug she's going to weave.  (You can catch a glimpse of the new warp behind her on the back beam.)

  Not really a surprise, but, all except one of her rugs from that last batch have already been sold!!!!


  This is the LAST one....and we thought we'd offer it for sale here on the blog.  It measures 27 inches wide by 38 inches long.  The price is $76, which includes shipping within the United States.  If you'd like to own one of Pat's rugs, email us at:  tuesdayweavers@gmail.com      Marie can handle your order.

  Marie, as you might remember, is our "numbers" lady.  She does all of our bookkeeping, as well as keeping us honest.  Today she was busy checking in our thread order from Great Northern.  Not only do we order thread for the studio, we order any 8/4 or 8/2 that we need for our projects at home.  All of this needs to be checked in, and sorted before we can put it away.






  Our weaving friend, Linda, stopped by today to give us some great news:  she was able to find a new home for our antique rocker loom!!!  (She even checked out the home to make sure they would take good care of it!)  We sure do appreciate her help.










    Angela and Miska were with us today.  The table was full of thread and harness frames early on, but that didn't keep her from threading where the loom was sitting.  (She moved to the table after lunch!)


I know two ladies that are glad they are through counting and moving heddles!

Liz finished up before lunch, and Marilyn finished, also.  Now we can look forward to seeing what amazing things they are going to weave!

Marilyn started to wind her warp after lunch...stay tuned!










  Lou Ann is much happier using the ski shuttle on her placemat warp!  (Sometimes we forget to show new weavers all the cool tools we can use when we weave!)  Laura is almost through sleying the reed on her warp.  Just take your time and enjoy the journey!

 Mary is ready to begin sleying the reed for Ellen's pattern.  It's a"crammed and spaced" sley pattern that gives a special look for our placemats.

  Bonnie is just enjoying being with the weavers....it feels good to be out once in awhile (in our safe little bubble.)

  Linda is through threading, and she's ready to sley the reed.  But, she took time to show us her overshot project that she wove at home....her FIRST!  She is planning on weaving some more for gifts.  

  Jocelyn has the hem turned up on her towels, and she's ready to sew them in place.  There's always something left to do!

  Another great Tuesday with fiber friends!

Stay safe.....wear those masks.......practice social distancing!!!!

Happy Weaving!


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