Ray has finished his second table cloth, and here it is opened out on the counter. Carol did a little quality check on the cloth.
What's next for Ray???? He's de-constructing the loom to tighten it up before the next warp! We'll have to wait and see what he has planned!
Peggy had a little repair job to do on her scarf now that it's off the loom.
Patty is busy weaving more placemats on the black warp while Bonnie quietly cut off her shawl warp. She took a few minutes to straighten out the thrums to give to Charlotte. (This was a bamboo warp.)
Bonnie used three different wefts for the three shawls, and they are beautiful! This picture does NOT do them justice! The colors shimmer and change as the light hits them.
Jocelyn had a few repairs to do on her towels, which Carol used as a teachable moment.
Speaking of new warps: Linda is learning how to wind on a sectional warp! Tina was there for moral support and guidance! (This will be more towels!)
Thanks to Alyce, we have the reminder to tighten up the screws on our looms! Oh, yes! When she looked down there was a bolt lying on the floor! We found where it went, and next week we'll do a quick check on the other looms.
Anna is working on more cloth for another run of bowl cozys.
We were so glad to have Shirley back today! Time to catch up with everyone!!!!
Marilyn is threading while Jocelyn goes back to work to finish the towel warp. Betsy is nearing the end of her planned placemats, and she'll weave some cloth for some bowl cozys to finish the warp.
Ms. Ila found some threads that did not come through the reed, so after fixing that, it's time to tie on again! It's the warp that just keeps on giving!
More towels, Liz?????
Look who came to visit today: Eiko! We miss seeing her these days!!!
Thank you, Mary! She baked a cinnamon-apple strudel cake, which is just the ticket for this rainy day!!!
She finished her FIRST warp....now what will Sandi want to weave???? Stay tuned......
Happy Weaving!
I love the different shawls Bonnie Wove! And Eiko! So happy to see her smiling face!