Thursday, October 31, 2019

It's A Treat!!!

  Pat got to the Expo Center early and got her car unloaded.  Tina, Patty and I arrived at about the same time.  We unloaded the rug and vacuum cleaner, since that's the first thing we need to get down in the booth.

  That double sided tape is NOT easy to peel!


  Pat had loaded up her little red cart with items from the Center, as well as her woven goods.  But, we have to get the display up first!

  So, she got busy putting together the little cubes for the table.


  Pearl and Tina got the kiosk together, and clipped on our new lights.  Then it's time to start pulling out the towels, placemats and other woven goods for display.

  Somehow we forgot to pull more shawls for the show!  That just means we'll have to take them tomorrow!

  Pat's cubes worked great for the smaller items, and Margi's Christmas ornaments are waiting for just the right person.
  The side edge of the cube was just perfect for the key chains that Tina and I had finished just in time for the show.

  The wrecking display crew finished up around 12:30....another personal best for us!!!!

Many hands make light work!!!!

Happy Weaving

p.s.  Show report on Tuesday!

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