Tuesday, September 10, 2019


  This is such a typical glimpse into our morning....folks working on projects and chatting with each other!  Tina and Marilyn are getting one of the old Lily inkle looms ready to work for Marilyn's grandchild.  Frieda is weaving a new Inkle pattern.  Yes....Alyce is twisting fringes on her wrap.  That's Anna and Sharon back by the door just catching up with each other.  Charlotte brought in a new bunch of hand towels that she wove at home.  Pat is stripping interfacing off of some wool strips that she just might use for a rug.  Patty is adding tags to the latest bunch of key rings for Convergence.

  You also might see Tina climbing around to put away the LARGE Inkle loom!


Carl cutting more weft for his placemats!

   Our newest weaver, Sandi, got busy winding her first warp.  She's just beginning a grand adventure!!!!

   Of course, that means that Katelyn is not the "newbie" any longer!!!!  She got her first warp threaded and now it's time to sley the reed.  

  As promised, Liz cut off the placemat warp, and she serged the edges in preparation for hemming.  Can you believe how close she got to the heddles????

   Marilyn's roll of placemats were ready to be cut off the loom, which gave us the chance to see the two table runners that she wove.  Click on the picture and compare the two runners!!!!

  Marilyn started the next set of placemats using a new color scheme for this black warp.
  Bonnie has started her newest shawl using a salmon colored bamboo thread for the weft.  It's working well with this warp.

    Typical????  Yes.....and oh so comfortable!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Love those table runners, both of them. Hope to make some of my own in the not too distant future. Weaving weather is here!
