Saturday, February 9, 2019

Looking Good

It has been busy the last couple of weeks, I forgot to post last week, but I actually got more done in the studio since then than the week before.  I sanded down the Leksand band loom and debated about how I wanted to finish it.  The wood is cherry and I knew it would be beautiful even with a simple walnut oil finish, so that is what I went with.  I have done 2 coats of oil and I plan to do many more, but got sidetracked the last couple of days.''

Here is the wood after I had done a little bit of sanding.  I was a bit nervous, so I tested the oil on the underneath side of the bottom pieces, and that encouraged me to continue with my plan.

See what I mean!  Even with just 2 applications the transformation of the wood is breathtaking.  I will need to apply several more coats and then let it cure before I can actually use the loom.

I spent all day Monday working on the shag rug, then again a few hours Tuesday afternoon, and a few hours on Thursday afternoon.  I am pleased that I won't have to do 4 repeats of the color progression after all, only 3 repeats.  Thursday I got to the end of the 2nd repeat, so that means only 30 more inches to weave!

I am so glad that I took the time to pre-cut all of the shag.  Weaving is slow enough as it is without having to stop and prep.

One of the accent colors placed into the proper shed.

Coming around the cloth beam!

One of my favorite shots of the back of the rug, it really makes it easy to see the color progression.

I love the selvedge edge of this rug, I have to be careful to wrap around that edge piece to lock everything in place.
It will be Monday before I can get back to the rug, and I hope, hope, hope that  I can finish it this week, hems and all.  If it all goes well I will be bringing it to the Center the following week for show and tell.

Until next time Happy Weaving, Tina


  1. The rug is looking marvelous! And what a lovely band loom you've renewed back to life. Happy weaving!

  2. I had not seen the backside of those rugs....that's interesting! You should be weaving on the new loom SOON!!!

  3. Oooh! Your shag rug is so cheerful! I love it! I've never pre-cut my strips; I just enjoy the process, but yours are much more uniform than mine ever are.
