Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rounding them up

Each and every week, the herd of little looms that have been bedded down in the circle of big looms, get to come out to play for the day.

As I arrived this morning many discussions were already underway.....

and warps were being wound for the next dye day.

You can see more weavers coming in through the open door, and you can see Bonnie starting to move the folding looms out for the day.

Pretty much it takes an army to get this done in a short time.  Shirley, Sharen, and Betsy were lending a hand.

(A quick break in the thread to show Michelle from Boulderneigh that her hat is keeping my head warm in these freezing temps!)

Again Bonnie, Shirley and this time Ms Ila is getting into the act too.  (Warps are still being wound)

Sharen, Betsy and now Pat is going to pull out her loom.

Once they are all out, it is time to start opening the looms up so that we can get to work.

Hey, here comes Mary with a table loom that she has been working on at home and I see Marie at the door.

The two Linda's are deep in conversation back at Linda's loom.

Bonnie is trying to weave herself through the remaining little looms to get to her loom on the perimeter.   (pun alert!)

Looks like these two looms won't be coming out today.

Sharen's loom is the last one out.

All in place and ready to go.

Warps still being wound.  (oops!)

Anna got to join us today, and she is weaving on the smallest loom in the room, that is sitting on the biggest loom in the room!

Lunch break and meeting, we had a pretty full house even though many of us could not make it today.

I got Marilyn going on her Inkle loom today,,,,

I am plugging away on my 5 yard band, we are making key chains for Convergence 2020.  I calculated that we need to weave 400 yards of Inkle band to make enough keychains for the goody bags.

Jade finished her project today, and this is why we are all here, to make as many weavers as we can!

Before we know it time is up and it is time to put everything away again, so just look at the pictures in reverse and you get the idea.

Lou Ann was out today, so this picture book was brought to you by Tina and the Tuesday Weavers.

Happy Weaving, Tina


  1. Look at that itty bitty loom! Looks like a great day herding looms and weaving was had by all!

  2. Wow! Lots going on! What a fun place to spend the day.

  3. That’s a nice looking hat from Michelle :-). Nothing but the best from Oregon!
