Tuesday, August 21, 2018


  Once a year we get a group from the Chamber of Commerce Leadership group.  This year's group called ahead to make sure that Carl would be here when they came!!!!
  As usual, they were full of questions about what we were doing in the studio....and, we love to tell them about our projects!

  Of course, we were not expecting their bus to get stuck in the driveway!!!! 
  There is a steep grade on the west driveway that requires you to take it at an angle.  (My car sits low, so I always take the side street to avoid scraping!)  The bus blocked the east bound side of the highway for a bit before they were able to free it.
  This just meant that the visitors had extra time to enjoy the Center!


  Lunch time means talking with each other about the projects we have on our looms at home and upcoming special events.

  It's also a time to talk about projects that just might be giving us a little trouble.  Alyce believes that sometimes those projects just need a little time-out!  Agree!!!

 Wow!  Such a diverse group....and it's always nice to see old friends!

   I promised a close-up picture of Frieda's scarf, but, it is determined to come in sideways!!!!  Isn't this lovely!


  Ms. Ila wound on her new shawl warp.  It is a hand dyed shades of gray bamboo warp.  The first shawl will be the "snake skin" twill using black bamboo.   There is enough on this warp for three shawls.

  Polly wasn't weaving today....she was ironing!  These are the new AACC tee shirts for the shop upstairs.
  (Karin does a great job photo bombing, don't you think?)

  Carl didn't get as much weaving done today as he would have liked.....that's what happens when you are the main attraction for the visitors!!! 

  I haven't shown Liz's towels...she's been on vacation this month.  But, she got this much done before she left.

  Tina finished plying the indigo dyed cotton, and wound a skein for Marie from the threads.  I think this is the end of this project!

  Another great day....a little drama....a lot of laughter!!!!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. You slipped by me yesterday! Even tour buses come to the Tuesday Weavers and why not. Such lovely weaving going on!
    Indygo dyed cotton sounds heavenly.
