Tuesday, May 8, 2018

It Takes A Village

    Welcome to Pearl...our newest weaver!!!  She's part of the Rigid Heddle group at Clinch River Yarn Company, so she already knows a lot about us! 
  With Carol on the mend, she got the B team to get her started on her weaving jouney!  Actually, she got the WHOLE team to get her going! 
  With a few interruptions, she got her warp wound on the board, and taken to the loom.  We'll get it wound on next week.
  Let the fun begin. 

  All around the Studio it was poetry in motion!  Pat is getting started on her soup cozys while Irene was getting sewing tips.

  Shirley has started weaving on her colorful towel warp.  Those spring colors just make you smile!

  The Ladies were lined up and weaving on their projects. 

  We finally got a good look at the pattern for Ms. Ila's second shawl.  I love watching the colors go in and out on these painted shawls!

   And, Frieda's new pattern is suitable for a man's scarf...subtle, yet tasteful.....no bling. 

    Peggy got some tips from Alyce....you learn a lot from other weavers!

  When Marion finished threading, Pat got her started sleying the reed.  She got tied on and started to weave this afternoon.  She took her loom home to do the hemstitching and start weaving the twill examples.
  Carl was busy joining blue jean legs at the sewing machine.  That means he'll be cutting next week!!!

  Would you believe that Betsy is already near the end of her warp?  After hemstitching, she'll have some warp to weave off to use for a soup cozy or two/three/four!!!!  That's been a fun warp!

End of the day.
Pups and Babies back in place.
We'll start again next week...and this village will help all of our new weavers continue their journey!

Happy Weaving!