Thursday, April 5, 2018


  It's time to get the rocker beater loom ready for visitors!  I didn't get the warp wound at home, but, I spent my time cleaning the wood and counting heddles.  The rubber mallet helped get the pegs back snugly in place.  She's ready for that warp.

    I left the old warp on the loom for now.  The bright colors look so much nicer from the doorway!  The second graders who were visiting the Museum had a lot of questions about the purpose of the loom.  Weaving cloth is just beyond their imagination!
  Since I'll be weaving rugs this year, I told them to look at the rugs in the cabin loft bedrooms.  They are handwoven rag rugs!

  It was a little nippy in the Loom House, but walking in the sunshine warmed me up a bit.  This peacock was keeping track of the visitors from his perch in the tree. 

  The folks at the Museum have been working in the garden.  It won't be much longer until they'll be planting seeds.
  Next week I'll be getting ready for Sheep Shearing, so I know I won't be back to the Loom House for awhile.  I'll get the raddle, lease sticks and warp sticks packed to go to the Museum in a few weeks.  Maybe it will be a little warmer by then.

Happy Spring!


  1. That rocker loom is quite the interesting piece of equipment. Looks like both of us will be working on rag woven items on our respective 2 shaft looms!

  2. So pretty! Spring is seeping in slowly here. We’ve got the birds and their songs but have a ways to go before grass.
