I finished the 6th Berenstain bear quilt last night. With the binding finished, it's ready to be stored for when I hear of a baby girl needing a quilt. It's a busy quilt but that's good for a baby to look at all the colors and butterflies, polka dots and children playing!
This one is so cheerful. I did more quilting on it than some of the others because I like to stitch along seam lines when I use my regular sewing machine. It looks so cheerful and bright. Who wouldn't want a quilt like that to bundle up in?
The backing is pure girl. Lots of pink while the games are just as much her as anyone.
Much as I like quilting and I do need to start the blue quilts, I need to take a short break.
The rugs are off the loom and serged. There are 14 of them. But, they haven't been hemmed yet so they're stacked on my ironing board. Yesterday I wound a short warp for a few tops and vests. It goes on the loom today. I should have time to hem the rugs this week and hopefully get the warp woven. I've got a few bolts of flannel to cut apart for weft and a box of socklady pieces to cut and loop for weft...you get the picture. Lots to do.
Also, I am starting a new project. I am a featured artist at the Art Market Gallery in Knoxville in April. So I am working on some new things for that which won't be revealed until then. It's a bit of a different look for me and should be fun once the learning curve is done.
But, baby quilts need to be done as well. There are 2 baby boys due in June and their parents need quilts for them!
Lots to do and time to enjoy the process.
So, until next week, keep weaving!
Ahhhh.....new project! Tell us more!!!!