Saturday, December 16, 2017

Estate Sale Fear

I was contacted by a friend on Ravelry a couple of weeks ago, to see if I could possible go to an Estate Sale for her that was close to me, to pick up a spinning wheel she wanted.  When I first saw the request, my first impulse was that it was an Auction, and I do not do Auctions they scare me!  My friend reassured me that it was an Estate Sale and all I had to do was go early and get a number, and when 9am rolled around they would let us in by the numbers.  That calmed my fears, a bit, but I did do a drive by, the day before, once I knew what the address was.  I simply must know where I am going in the dark!

While I was there I got to see the wheel and see what kind of shape it was in, which it was in good shape, a little damage to the flyer whorl, but I think that can be glued.  I also saw that the price was well within the price range my friend had wanted.  (The Estate Sale people mentioned that there had been a sale last week with 3 wheels and a couple of looms!  It would be very simple to become addicted to searching these adds.  Yikes! )  I communicated my findings to my friend, and got the green light for the next days adventure.

I arrived at o'dark thirty to get my ticket #8, then I went in search of breakfast and wifi to pass the hour before I had to be back at the sale.  Once I got back I sat in the car and did a little practice spinning cotton, and trying to see if there was anybody else I thought might be interested in the wheel.  I couldn't tell really, nobody else was obviously spinning.  I suspect that they are all after the Coca-Cola memorabilia!

8:45 rolled around and people started lining up to get into the sale, I was a little nervous, I so wanted to get this wheel.  A few minutes before 9am they let us in out of the cold, and they told us about upcoming sales in the area, full of antiques.  ( I didn't ask if there were any wheels or looms)  Then when it was time, there was the rush of the crowd as I made my way  past the brick a brack, to the back of the room where I claimed my prize.  Oddly enough there was nobody else at the sale that was remotely interested in a spinning wheel.  What is wrong with these people!

I was in and out by 9:05, it was so easy, and I can see how this could become addictive.  In the past I had avoided Estate Sales and Auctions alike as being too time consuming and scary.  Now, I am going to have to do my best not to check out area Estate Sales for my favorite collectables.  Now, I am really afraid of Estate Sales because they are source of affordable wheels.   I have enough, I have enough, I have enough.....

(If I get permission to post pictures of the wheel I will be sure to add them.)

Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina

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