Friday, November 10, 2017

Playing with Color

The Foothills Guild Fall Show is coming up fast, with that in mind I set my goal some weeks ago to finish 3 more fleece rugs, 1 large one and 2 smaller (about 3/4 size) rugs.  I figured that I needed 1.5 lbs of fleece for the big rug and 18 ounces for each of the smaller rugs.  I decided last month that since the actual weaving is fairly quick, that I would do well to concentrate first on getting all of the fleece batts prepared, and then shift my concentration to weaving the rugs, one right after the other.

This afternoon, after yet another day spent at the Museum, doing some demo work for a school group,  I finally finished getting the last of the necessary 60 ounces cleaned and made into batts.  The thing I really like about Jacobs fleeces is the many natural colors that I have to work with even in a single fleece, from white to gray to black and then there is even a range of browns, and there is also the certainty  that no matter what combination I put together, it will look good!

I have 5 fleeces represented in this batch: #3, #13, Big Boy, Other Ram, and Olga 21.  I think Olga 21, the light gray in the upper right hand corner, likes to roll in the mud because the tips of her fleece were particularly caked with mud even after it had been thru the wash a couple of times.  There are 6 bags of fluff in the picture because one of the fleeces is so huge it wouldn't all fit into one bag.

Tomorrow, I will get to work first thing figuring out what colors I want to put in each rug.  First the large one and then the smaller ones.   For the large rug I will probably pick one of the big bags of fleece like "Other Ram" that has many colors, and add either more gray from Olga 21 or more black or brown from #13 or #3.   I would love to make one of the small rugs mostly black with some gray and the other one white and gray.  I will know more when I pour them out of the bags and start mixing batts and weighing.

I am planning on finishing the large rug this weekend and the smaller rugs by Tuesday evening.  If I can't quite manage that, I can always finish the small rugs on Friday and then take them over to the show that afternoon, since the show doesn't open until Friday morning anyway.

Tuesday next week, we will be gathering shop inventory from upstairs and personal inventory from the weavers as well.  We will load up the booth equipment and  inventory into several vehicles and be ready to meet on Thursday morning at the Jacobs Building when the doors are opened to the vendors for set up.  We are going to be using some of the wooden booth pieces that we took to the Museum show last month.  We felt that they were a little easier to set up and also we remembered how much we like the look of wood with the handwoven fabric.

That is all for now, Until next week, Happy Weaving, Tina


  1. I am really excited about displaying your new fleece rugs. They are truly a work of art!!! We need to talk to Olga about rolling around in the mud.

  2. Tina -
    If you get a chance, will you please post a photo of your finished fleece rug (or rugs)? I am so intrigued by them.

    Thank you!

    Laurie Mrvos
