Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Lashing On A Warp

  Weavers have their own favorite ways to tie on a warp to the front bar.  Some of us tie bouts to the front bar, and some of us lash on to the front bar.  Theresa (Camp RunAMuck) suggested that we show how we lash on to the front bar.
  Since we had THREE looms that were ready, Carol did a quick demonstration on how she likes to lash on the loom.

(So sorry.....the movie clip was too large to open in blogger!!!!  Thank you, Theresa, for letting me know.)

  Afterwards, Helen got her warp lashed lickety-split.

  Then, it was Liz's turn to lash on her warp.

It's always a good idea to try new ideas (although this is certainly not new to many weavers out there!!!!)

  Betsy was busy today getting another towel warp ready to wind onto her loom.  It seems that we are always in need of more towels!!!

  Jocelyn decided to tie on her warp, but she's ready to start weaving on the new shawl warp next week.
  Yes....that's Carl back on the barn loom.  After cutting more blue jean weft this morning, he got right to work weaving on his rug warp.

  Not the best picture, but you can see Anna, Sharon, Ms. Ila and Bonnie at their looms.

  We still have lots of ideas floating around about our shows...it's so much fun sharing ideas with each other.  And, we are talking about what we want to weave in the new year....so many possibilities!

  Have you tried a new technique?

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Another fine day for the Tuesday Weavers! Sadly, if it is a video, it does not load for me.
