Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Few Pics from this Weekend

Saturday mornings booth crew! Karin, Bonnie, Betsy and Irene.   I missed getting a picture of the afternoon crew though Karin and Bonnie were there all day and Alice, Ray and Marie came to give us a hand.

Saturday morning crew, Karin, Linda and Sharon.  Karin stayed for the afternoon, and Anna and Joan came in to complete the shop crew.

Ray and LouAnn taking a break.

My porch at the "Peter's Homestead" cabin

Here is the porch railing covered in our rugs!

Add to these pictures a lot of good food and music and you can get an idea of how our weekend is going.  That's all I have energy to post!!!!!  
Until next week, Happy Spinning, Tina

1 comment:

  1. It's been a busy two fingers are crossed that the rain that is expected for Sunday is light!!!
