Thursday, September 7, 2017

Continued Irma!  It is the season.  You'd think that living in East Tennessee would offer a little protection from all that drama...right?

  The tailwinds from Harvey blew through our neck of the neighborhood on Friday.  The "widow maker" that I had been meaning to have taken down managed to come down on its own.  It missed the power lines and the roof, and came to rest with a limb against the house.
  Since it rained all day Saturday, I had to wait until Monday to cut up what I could with my little chainsaw.  There's still a long piece in the side garden. 
  I was lucky!
  They predict that Irma will wander into East TN around next Tuesday....just in time for weaving!  Will it be another stormy Tuesday????

  I cut off a length of my project for sampling. 
  Do you see what I see?

The difference in the cloth is from one skein of thread to another.  I checked the labels, and they were from the same batch.  But, you can see that there is MORE white areas in the second part than the first.  I like the plaid affect in the bottom piece.....I think I will check each skein before I weave the rest of the warp.

  For now, I think I'll have a little soup for supper.  I've been thinking about a big pot of soup since last Saturday!!! 
  Cyber hugs out to folks in the North West and down South.  Stay safe!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Soup looks mighty yummy. You all stay safe too. What a mess our country is in right now, and I don't mean just the weather but that's pretty horrid all on its own. If it is to be a stormy Tuesday lets hope there will be plenty of good snacking going on with all that waving! :-)
