Friday, August 18, 2017


My Husband asked me this morning, what my day was going to look like.  He often does that  and just like a lot of days, I had a date with one of the grandkids for about 2 hours this morning, but other than that, I told him that I was going to play.  Then I added, though I didn't have to, that I call it "playing' even though technically it could be designated as work, since most of what I am doing these days is geared towards inventory for the fall shows.

That being said, I did get in some play time this week, if not this morning.  I have been messing around a little bit with the tapestry loom.

This is the sampler in "Tapestry 101", and I was being very faithful, following all the instructions.  Then I got a little bit antsy, I did not like that there was not a dividing line between the class sections and I decided to umm, play a little bit.
I slide the tapestry sections that I had already worked on up the warp and I inserted some "Egyptian knot" above the "shading" section.

 Then I slide the "striped" section down on top of the "Egyptian knots" and I added a wee row of rya knots, before I slide the "unjoined" squares back into place.  Then I did some "soumack" in dark blue, which you really can't see very well, (and I might replace that) and finally above the "joined" squares I did 2 rows of  contrasting plain weave.
I have a ways to go on this sampler, but I am learning quite a bit, and  I can see how learning this new art form will improve my floor loom weaving as well.

Now for what I call  "work",  I did finish the first fleece rug, and if I can get my phone to cooperate and download the picture, I will come back and post it.

The rug is everything I wanted it to be!  I have a couple more obligation rugs to make to give to the shepherds, so I am not sure if I will be able to make some for the shows this year, as there is a lot of prep work that is involved, but I know that next year, there will be several ready and waiting for the fall shows.

On to my  hand spun  BFL shawls I am working on.  The first gradient shawl you saw on Tuesday's post.  This shawl was woven with a gradient yarn in the warp and also in the weft.

I washed that shawl today and I decided that while it is going to be a wonderful shawl, I think I would be happier with a slightly closer set.  So for the second shawl I upped the set from 8 EPI to 10 EPI.

I almost had enough yarn left from the gradient hand spun skeins to complete the second warp, but I was about 2 inches short of the goal.  I had some silver Romney (you can see it in the above picture) that I had spun a long time ago that I thought might do for weft, and I had plenty to supplement that last 2 inches of the warp.  I staggered the very last of the gradient warp leaving a few spaces to blend in the new yarn, and I can barely tell that I had to add something new!

I also have a cone of silk that might have worked well for the weft, but I  didn't want to darken this shawl and in the end I decided to go ahead and use the same hand spun that I had used to supplement the warp.

I love how this gradient looks in the reed.

I started with 2 skeins of gradient handspun, which I thought was going to give me a single shawl, but I am ending up with 2 shawls by adding a third skein from my hand spun stash.

This second shawl is going to have a much different look than the first shawl, as this warp does not have any of the dark shades that were in the first shawl as warp, (skein #1, dark to light) and also in the weft, (1/2 of skein #2, dark to medium tones).  That left the medium to really light tones  of skein #2 for the second warp and with the Silvery Romney weft, it is going to be a stunner!

That is it for now, until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina

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