Tuesday, July 25, 2017


  The Anderson County Fair is over, but, Carl got to share his ribbon winning entries with the Weavers today.  The number one question was, "What kind of rug won the BLUE ribbon?"
  I wasn't as concerned about checking on the competition as I was seeing how our entries did!!!  I promise to take careful notes next year!

  Tina went to a fiber show this weekend, and came home with some lovely braids to play with.  (And, they are super lovely to touch, too!!!!)  Stay tuned to her blogs to see what she has planned!

   I'm sure Carol is planning all kinds of projects that she's going to do with her sister in the coming weeks!
  It looks like Alyce is almost finished with her warp....that means she'll be planning her next project!  Helen is probably close to being finished, too. 

   Carl finished the threading, and it was time to wind on that red warp.  With Tina and Carl holding the reins, we wound that puppy onto the warp beam.  After tying on next week, there will be a new batch of blue jean rugs!!!

  Ms. Ila works hard keeping the Ladies on task.    Or, at least, she says she's working hard.......

  Marie is starting the next shawl on the bold pink warp.  I think this one will have a light gray weft...we'll check on that next week.
  Linda is back from her trip and working on her placemat warp.  She has quite a few finished ones wound up on the cloth beam!

  Sharon and Liz were working in the middle of the pack of "wolves."  That means more scarves for the fall sales!

  WOW!!!!  Four shawls came off of Jocelyn's loom this afternoon!  Now this is some kind of wonderful!!!

  As we finish up the projects on our looms, we're thinking about the Fall sales, which will be here before we know it! 

So much to weave....so little time!!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Now I'm betting there is a lot of blue in that ribbon mix for the Tuesday Weavers. I think our fair has come and gone and life so busy here I never made it.

  2. I love that "red" warp that we put on the dear old barn loom! It will be perfect for Carl's signature recycled blue jean rugs!
