Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Just Us!

  We had several things to do on our list today, so we hit the floor running!!!

We got Carl's rugs off of the loom, rolled them out on the floor, and got them cut apart.  

FIVE beautiful blue jean rugs!!!!
(The first rug is the re-weave rug!  I hope that lady has a discussion with her fur baby before she puts it on the floor!)

The fringes were tied, and the rugs are ready to be tagged next week when Carol gets back.


 Meanwhile, out back, Tina and I tackled the privet that is growing by the annex's porch.  It was starting to get a little wild!

  We did one pickup load of privet and weeds!

Man O Man....it was hot!  

   Inside the Studio it was nice and cool....a great way to spend our summer day.  We were the few, the cool, the WEAVERS!!!!
(P.S.  Betsy had to leave early, and Marie was working upstairs!)

Happy Weaving!


  1. It was hot! You should have seen the goats attack all that brush when I tossed it over their fence! ( I put it in the shade for them.)

  2. Trimming and weeding in the heat is a crappy chore but you got it done, Hooray!
    Looks like a dedicated group and that red warp is lovely!
