Monday, May 1, 2017

Side Project

I have been weaving. This warp has royal on the outside, then sea blue and turquoise in the middle. It's been a nice calming warp to weave on. After that I got a solid royal warp done. Both warps have been serged, washed and now dry, ready for more cutting, serving and sewing. 
My side project was a baby blanket for some friends new grandson, I only found out about if just before he was born. In looking at some magazines at Books A Million recently, I saw this pattern that called for a jelly roll, a roll of 2 and 1/2 inch strips. I had one! Rarely do I follow a pattern, but this time I did. The fun part was figuring out which strips to put together. I truly like how quickly and easily it came together.
The back fabric was hard to find. I did go to a shop and specifically look. Since the fabric was pretty modern, I wanted the backing to be as well. The line is called grunge. There is a lot of color in there, like someone took a paintbrush with a bit of color and swiped it across the fabric. I think it works well with the front.
Layering it with batting and machine quilting didn't take long to do and it's wrapped, waiting to go in the box to Paris, France. Yup, that's where our friends live. I hope they enjoy it. I used a very fluffy batting so they can us it on the floor now with him lying on it and later use it as a blanket.
I'm back at the loom today, weaving some short warps. I am using yarns I have to create a bit of color for my booth in July. Each warp is ridiculously short, just 2 or 3 items each, but the colors will be nice. I'm finishing the second warp and have the third on the warping board, ready to go to the loom.
Until next week, keep weaving!

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