Thursday, May 11, 2017


  I had two trips to the Museum of Appalachia this week.  On Monday, I was able to finish threading and sleying the reed.  I had a group of kids that came through the Loom House right before lunch...I had just started sleying the reed.  One little girl was super interested in what I was doing, and I told her that I should be weaving after lunch.  Sure thing....she came back to the loom house just as I was weaving in the spacer rags.  When I started the hem, she got really excited, and she stayed until I started with the rags.  Yep....another fiber child!!!

  Today I finished weaving the first placemat, and even got the second one woven before I was ready to leave.  I even had one lady who wanted to know if I was going to sell any of them.  YES, Ma'am!  Come see us at the Fall Homecoming, October 6, 7 and 8th!!!!
  All the fiber children today were the Mommas!!!  The kids just ran in and out!  The Moms had all the questions!

Just in time for Mother's Day...just look at these sweet little babies!!!

I have baby tomatoes and baby apples!!!! 

 And, I have a volunteer tomato plant that came up in the pallet garden!!!  I wonder what kind it will be.....

  If you look closely on the upper left, you'll see that two of the broccoli plants are trying to grow back.  It's a wait and see situation.

  All of the mothballs have been removed, but, I'm having a problem with someone tunneling in the first pallet.  I'm dealing with that by dumping the canister of cat hair from my vacuum cleaner down the tunnel.  That stopped that tunnel, but they soon took a different route.  (I think this might be chipmunks!)  That's cats shed a lot.

  I'm still weaving on the strap for my daughter's bag.  I think it's just the right size....and, heaven knows I'll have plenty to play with when this is finished!

  I'll see the kids on Sunday.  They asked what I wanted, and all I could think of was pizza and beer.  Ah...the simple life!

Happy Weaving!


  1. More than 60 years ago a kind lady weaving at a loom in a public demonstration caught my attention and solidified a life-long love of weaving. I hope you caught another one!

  2. Love the mats and the band! The band would look pretty with those placemats actually.
    We're having snow again, no baby anything popping up, but we are taking my Mom to a lovely little brunch on Sunday.
    Happy Mother's Day! Get the good craft brewed stuff. ;-)

  3. The placemats look great, I can't wait to see them in person!
