Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Break

  I remember how much I looked forward to Spring Break when I taught school.....a little breathing room before the big stretch of finishing the year.  Sometimes we would go somewhere warm....and sometimes we would just stay home and get some projects completed.
  I don't need to worry about Spring Break anymore (thank goodness!) but I do have projects started.  This one is actually for my daughter.  She's taking a group of high school students to New Zealand and Australia in June, and she's been looking for a cross body wallet purse to keep everything close to her. 
  So...we measured her passport and phone, and I started making a plan.  This is how far I've gotten.
  It will be 8" X 12" when it's opened up, and 8" X 4" when folded.  I've got the middle section done:  credit cards and zippered coin purse.  This will also be the pocket for cash behind the cards.  The bottom pocket came from a pair of jean tops that Sharon brought me last week.  It will be a double pocket!  The strap for the purse will be woven on my inkle loom.  I'm sure this will go through several versions until we decide on just the right one.

  Oak Ridge is a popular Spring Break destination for rowers from up north.  The parking lot was full of cars and vans from Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia and Illinois.  It's too bad they weren't here last week:  it was in the 70's!!!  This week has been a wee bit chilly!!!  But, it is supposed to warm up next week....just in time for a whole new group of rowers.

  I love driving by the river to see the teams out rowing.  I admire their dedication to their sport.  I'm sure they would rather be at the beach than rowing on this chilly, windy river.
  But, when you see them in town, they are always so happy and energetic.  I'm glad they come to our little neck of the woods.

  I need to get back to my project...and I really need to work on getting my taxes ready.  (Yuck!)
  There's always something to do!

Happy Weaving and Sewing and Rowing!


  1. Have fun with those taxes...not! But that IS going to be an awesome travel purse.

  2. Your Spring weather is infectious but here in the 44th parallel it's still a ways away. Even though it's a blustery rainy day, the snow has melted and the day lilies are peeping through. I'm ready to get my fingers in the flower beds :)
