I texted LouAnn yesterday and told her that I had not gotten started on the 2.2 pounds of Bombyx silk fiber in Brick form, that I purchased last month for my Birthday, and that I am using it as a carrot to get some things done before I start. She wanted to know if I was crazy or something, but I know that once I get started spinning silk, I may not want to stop!
One of the biggest things I had to get done, before I start spinning that lovely silk was the bags of loopers that had not been de-linted needed to be. Several days last week I worked on them and all day Wednesday I worked steadily until I got to the lint in the bottom of the last bag.
This stringy stuff, and it's accompanying lint gets everywhere when you are working on the loopers, that I think is kind of why I hadn't tackled it yet.
As LouAnn mentioned yesterday, I am getting John her ORCO rug loom. I had recently sold a project Cambridge loom when I realized that while I enjoy tinkering with looms and wheels, I am not very good at full blown restoration. It was just about that same time when LouAnn decided that John might need to find a new home.
Anyway, that is what has fueled this push to get the looper mess in hand. I already mentioned last week that I am dyeing the loopers with some Rit Dye that Carol had given me ages ago. As I sorted thru loopers and grouped and washed them a couple of times in the washer, I dyed them in batches of 300 to 400 loopers .
I had to take a break from dyeing cause I ran out of washed loopers, I think I only have 3 more bottles of dye left. So this dyeing bonanza will soon be over. I did a rough estimate on just how many loopers we are talking about. ( I zip tied them in groups of 100 so it wasn't terrible difficult to do.) I have over 100,000 loopers on hand.
Here are the colors I have so far, when I dyed the first batches I did 300 loopers per pot, but I soon realized that I could easily fit another 100 in the pot and still get good color.
The black ones were already black, but they had to be washed too. Among the colors I have left to use is a bottle of black, and I think I am going to go ahead and use it on 400 of them, it will probably end up a different shade of black than what I already have.
There are still 4 bags of loopers that are de-linted and zip-tied together that still need to be washed and I am really tempted to take them to the laundromat and give my washing machine a break! Once they are clean I can finish dyeing those last 3 batches and be done with it!!!! YAY!
Now I just have to chain them and weave them into rugs!
Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina
One of the biggest things I had to get done, before I start spinning that lovely silk was the bags of loopers that had not been de-linted needed to be. Several days last week I worked on them and all day Wednesday I worked steadily until I got to the lint in the bottom of the last bag.
This stringy stuff, and it's accompanying lint gets everywhere when you are working on the loopers, that I think is kind of why I hadn't tackled it yet.
As LouAnn mentioned yesterday, I am getting John her ORCO rug loom. I had recently sold a project Cambridge loom when I realized that while I enjoy tinkering with looms and wheels, I am not very good at full blown restoration. It was just about that same time when LouAnn decided that John might need to find a new home.
Anyway, that is what has fueled this push to get the looper mess in hand. I already mentioned last week that I am dyeing the loopers with some Rit Dye that Carol had given me ages ago. As I sorted thru loopers and grouped and washed them a couple of times in the washer, I dyed them in batches of 300 to 400 loopers .
I had to take a break from dyeing cause I ran out of washed loopers, I think I only have 3 more bottles of dye left. So this dyeing bonanza will soon be over. I did a rough estimate on just how many loopers we are talking about. ( I zip tied them in groups of 100 so it wasn't terrible difficult to do.) I have over 100,000 loopers on hand.
Here are the colors I have so far, when I dyed the first batches I did 300 loopers per pot, but I soon realized that I could easily fit another 100 in the pot and still get good color.
The black ones were already black, but they had to be washed too. Among the colors I have left to use is a bottle of black, and I think I am going to go ahead and use it on 400 of them, it will probably end up a different shade of black than what I already have.
There are still 4 bags of loopers that are de-linted and zip-tied together that still need to be washed and I am really tempted to take them to the laundromat and give my washing machine a break! Once they are clean I can finish dyeing those last 3 batches and be done with it!!!! YAY!
Now I just have to chain them and weave them into rugs!
Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina
I see some colorful rugs in your future!!! Now, get out that silk!!!!