Thursday, November 17, 2016

Blank Canvas

  The day finally arrived....and so did we!  It's always interesting to walk into an empty space and then make it your own.  For three days, our hard work will be on display...and we hope a lot of it will go home with some lovely people who appreciate all that hard work!!!

  Our set artists map out the plan of action....Tina and Marie gave all of us our marching orders.

  Polly, Christy and I did exactly as we were instructed as the grid walls went up.  When Marie says, "Dance!"  We dance!!!

No, No, No!  We did not exile Carol!

She's still right next door to us with all her woven loveliness!

I'm sure she'll post lots of pictures on Monday!

  Grid panels went up....the rug was taped down, and then the hard work of getting all our woven items displayed to their best advantage. 

  Little by little, it all came together.  The little table loom was set up with mug's ready to weave in the morning. 
  The canvas is filled....the booth is ready.
I'll leave the finished product for Tina to show you tomorrow.

Happy Weaving!


  1. My hot bath was very welcome last night!!!!

  2. Looks fabulous! Have fun and sell lots!

  3. Thanks for all your hard work! I'm anxious to see the finished booth.

  4. Thanks for all the hard work of you wonderful people......
