Saturday, October 1, 2016

False Starts

My creative ideas go into hyperdrive this time of year, many times with little to show for it.  I had some big ideas for some purses using my handwoven fabric, and for one reason or another, those will have to wait until after the Museum's Homecoming to be put into practice.

1. I am afraid to cut into my handwoven fabric.

2. I need to make some more bobbin lace.

3. I am afraid to cut into my handwoven fabric.

4. I am not friends with my sewing machine.

5. I am afraid to cut into my handwoven fabric.

(and so on.)

I also tried unsuccessfully to use some of the ultra fine threads that I have in a project on my rigid heddle loom.  I tripled the threads and I should have quadrupled or more to get the effect I was after.  I think I will weave it off anyway, but I was disappointed.

I used 2 heddles at 12 EPI, so this is 24 EPI and it is supposed to be more of a warp faced cloth.  It's not bad, but not what I was going for.  (On the plus side, I figured out how to thread the rigid heddle using 2 heddles!)

Another thing I tried to do was to weave with some wool on a cotton warp, the results just did not inspire.

Each time a project fails, it has to go into time out for awhile until I figure out what went wrong or if there is any way to fix it.  Sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't.

A couple of months ago, I had a multi colored single ply ( blue/tan/grey/brown) to ply  with a grey colored single.  (I used the grey in the yarn I posted about 2 weeks ago).  Luckily, I stopped myself from miss matching the grey with wrong multi color, I kept looking at it and thinking, that I was not sure about how it was going to look, and I ended up finding the intended multi colored braid (blue/green/grey) just in time.

I used a Dark Brown Shetland fleece to compliment the original (blue/tan/grey/brown) single and this is the result.  It is still damp in these pictures, but I am very pleased with how this one came out.

I will probably have it for sale at the museum, but I keep seeing it woven as warp and weft, into a "plaid" scarf.  It is smooth and soft enough, and I have a couple more days to decide.  I haven't counted the yards yet as it needs to dry and get re-skeined first.

Sometimes my ideas work  and sometimes they don't, that is just how it goes, and I don't  let the "didn't work out" projects keep me from trying new ideas.   I just might find a diamond in the rough!

Until next time, Keep trying, Tina

1 comment:

  1. Our mistakes are just part of the learning curve....another chance to try again.
