I had promised to show my framed teapot and cup and saucer. It's done! I'll hang it in the dining room near the dishes I kind of used as inspiration for the colors. The walls there are dark paneling and floors walnut, so it will stand out in color. I'm glad I got Chris to do the framing. I had to ship it overnight to Texas because she was close to retiring. In fact, she's already retired!! I know she was training someone to take over her job. She's so talented, I'm sure she'll be doing more creative things. I still have a couple of unfinished lace pieces. The next one I want to finish is a pansy that's been patiently waiting for, ummm, a few years.... It's pretty so I know I'm going to finish it. I have the leaves and a few odds and ends in the flower to do.
So, about that detour. You know I like to quilt in my "free" time. Well, a couple of friends decided to go to the AQS quilt show in Chattanooga last week. I was told to go as well. We drove down Wednesday and came back on Saturday. I thought that was way too much time but, really, it wasn't. You have to go by each vendor to see what they have and if one can use anything they have for sale. Then there are the quilts to view. I'd love to show you some of the ones I took pictures of, but that's just not kosher, so I couldn't. I also signed up for a class. 3 hours on Friday afternoon I took a raw edge quilt class with Frieda Anderson. What a treat! I know. It's basically a cut out shape, slap it on with heat but we learnt some cool tricks. My piece isn't quite done. There are more berries to add. Then it's time to layer with a bit of batting and backing before machine quilting the whole thing which will take forever. It'll probably have to wait til December before I have time to work on it. I do love the cardinal, tho. We got another pattern of the cardinal sitting on a branch with dogwood blossoms but that's for another day.
For this week, it's back to weaving bamboo. I have a warp almost done, another ready to go on and the last one waiting in the wings. The colors are fun and, because it's a variegated warp, each turn of the wheel brings a slightly different color combination.
So, until next week, keep weaving!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the quilt show. That's just more inspiration for future quilts!