Thursday, August 25, 2016

Just Thinking

  I finished weaving my Steeplechase scarf on Sunday, and got it wet finished on Monday.  As always, while I was weaving on the scarf, I was already thinking about the next scarf.  Do you do that????
  I also was trying to think of a better way to warp my rigid heddle loom without needing a whole room to do it in!  Plus, you have to think about the furniture you're willing to put a C-clamp on--I refuse to use my Grandmother's dining room table again! 
  After pulling out the tape measure, I realized that I could do it all on the kitchen table with the help of three pegs.  This gives me a warp that's 116 inches long, which is perfect for a scarf warp.  Plus, I didn't get any long/short ends that can happen when you use one peg.

  This is the new scarf...most of the warp is leftover from the Steeplechase challenge.  The heather blue yarn is from my stash.  I added it to the warp, and I'm using it for weft.  The bumpy looking yarn is the mohair. 

  Most of my weaving was accomplished while my sister and I binge watched the first season of Downton Abbey.  It was like a visit with old friends!  And, once again, I got to hear Maggie Smith, as the dowager countess,  utter, "What's a weekend?"  So many great one liners!!!!

  As August draws to a close, I need to see what projects can be finished by the end of next month.  Uh-oh....reality check!!!

Elizabeth Hill's class:  Off The Grid


  My sister tagged me on Facebook about this upcoming class at Arrowmont in October:

  Elizabeth Hill, who teaches at Vavstuga Weaving School, is presenting the class, Off The Grid.  What an interesting class this will be!  Also, Fall in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains is not to be missed!!!  I thought I would share this in case you might be interested.  (I'm not going to take the class...just too much to do!)
  I'm thinking about what I'd like to experiment with after the rush is over....Marie and I have been talking about that a lot at weaving.  There's so much I haven't tried...and so much yet to learn.  And, we are so lucky to have our weaving community at the Center. 
  But, for now, I'm just going to weave and think......and think and weave.  It's time to finish up some projects and enjoy these last few days of August.

Happy Weaving!


  1. That is a great warping idea! January is going to be a great time to brush up on some new techniques, count me in!

  2. Kitchen table as warping board-priceless! I find that weaving and driving are thought laden activities. Wouldn't I love to see fall in the Smokey Mtns.

  3. what a great warping idea...... thank you

  4. My daughter and I visited family in the summer of 2014 and went to Shelbourne Falls to see the Bridge of Flowers. I had only been seriously weaving for three years and had never heard of Vastuga which is right there. What a waste :(
