Thursday, July 21, 2016

Just The Facts, Ma'am

  The Anderson County Fair is over for this year.  My check will be deposited in the bank tomorrow!  These are my four entries in the fair:  a double binding hot pad, scarf, placemat (from last year's challenge) and a rag rug.  The hot pad and scarf earned blue ribbons, and the rug and placemat received red ribbons.  (I must have dropped one of the red ribbons as I left on Sunday.)
  I want to keep the categories in mind as I weave new projects this coming year....these were the only woven projects entered!  (I've already been told that I WILL have competition for next year!!!)


  And, here we are:  The Time Warp Weavers!!!!  Linda (who volunteers at Martin's Station) represented the 1760's.  Tina is from the 1860's and I grooved my way from the 1960's.  We came in last, but we had a rockin' time together, as always!
  I need to work on weaving with wool, that's for sure.  

  This is the poster we had for our group.  I'm not sure many folks even took the time to look at it....they just thought we liked to dress up, I think. 
  As always, we answered a lot of questions from the public about the spinning wheels and the loom.  It's always cool when you see someone make the connection.

  I think I need to weave on's been ages since I finished that rug.  I have enough weft left over  from another placemat warp to do a tote bag for the Fall sales.  (October will be here before you know it!!!)  Plus, weaving on John gives me a chance to let off steam. 
  My fridge died this week, and the new one won't be here until Monday.  I feel like I have spent the last few days running up and down the stairs taking food out to the freezer and fridge in the garage.  (I should say that I am thankful they are out there!!!)  It's just been a little stressful.........and, wouldn't you know that we are in the middle of a heat wave!!!! 
  Ah,'s little speed bumps!

Happy Weaving!


  1. I've discovered that things often break when most needed. The washer never quits when the last load is done does it? Is there ever a last load? Well I suppose there is but I would rather not dwell on THAT today! Such beautiful weaving, congrats on the ribbons, And you time warped weavers really do look like you are having a great time, one for the ages..... ;-)

  2. That's a post-full of joy. You guys really do have a lot of fun with your weaving and congrats on our ribbons!
