Thursday, July 7, 2016

Just Checking In

 I've tried for years to grow sunflowers, and this year I finally have two!  I have to admit that these were accidental....the birds knocked the seeds into the bucket of Tina's miracle compost!!!  Sunflowers always make me smile!
  Gee....if it weren't for the wildlife around here, nothing would grow!!!!  (The squirrel's corn is "as high as an elephant's eye," by the way!)
  We've had those wonderful afternoon thunderstorms all week, so the flowers and tomatoes don't require additional watering.  There's nothing like a BLT with homegrown tomatoes!!!

   Plans are coming right along for the fleece to scarf challenge coming up on the 16th.  The sample scarf warp is off the loom, and we decided it was a keeper.  I'm winding the warp for the scarf to be woven that night.  I'll get it on the loom this weekend.
  Tina tried out several fibers to spin for the weft.  So many possibilities!!!!
  Never fear.....we should have loads of pictures to show after the event.

I'm going to check my handwoven items to see which ones I could enter into the Fair.  There are several categories that just might work.  From what I understand, there were not any woven articles last year.....this could be the year to do this!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Your accidental sunflowers are blooming before our planned ones!

  2. Great sunflowers! And I'm so impressed with the whole sheep to scarf/shawl whatever concept.
