Last week, Tina and I had our first school group of the year at the Museum of Appalachia. It was a little chilly in the cabin, and Tina got the fire going PDQ!
But, wouldn't you know!!! That little wheel was having one of those days, and Tina couldn't get the intake she wanted. So, out came the spindle...and the kids were fascinated!
I had my wee Inkle, and I finished the band that was on it. Of course, that means I need to put a new warp on it before tomorrow morning! We have two groups coming to the Museum--90 second graders and 31 seventh graders.
I think we'll be busy!
Saturday morning I was up at Townsend for the Smoky Mountain Fiber Festival. My first class was Kumihimo Weaving....let's just say I really enjoyed it. Sharon and Tina have made some lovely braids with their looms, and I'm looking forward to stretching and growing my skills there, too.
You can just see my humihimo loom at the top right with my project still on will be a wrist lanyard when I'm done. That lovely board in the center of the picture is my new blending board!
My second class was making rolags on the blending board!!! I remember Sharon blogging about doing this on Stitches, so when I saw the class offered, I signed up! There are so many things I'd like to try using the blending board, so stay tuned!
It was really hard to choose between all the classes being offered. My sister went with me, and she loved her classes, also. We are toying with the idea of going up there next year and spending the night so we can do two days of classes. I know I'll be checking the website early!
April always gets busy, and I hope that next year the Center's art weekend is NOT at the same time!
Needless to say, I baked a batch of Tina's cookies to take with us to Townsend.
That's just what you need during your break!!!
I've still got to wind the warp for the Rocker Beater Loom at the Museum....and get the new warp on the wee Inkle. Time to get busy!
Happy Weaving!
And so a busy spring/summer/fall begins. Thank god you have good cookies for fortification! :-)