Spring! I love it. All the flowers make our neighborhood beautiful. Thankfully, I don't have allergies that plague so many in East Tennessee this time of year!
A few years ago we bought a lilac bush to see if it would like our yard. This year we had the most blooms ever.
They are so wonderful. Imagine a hedge of bushes, all blooming and smelling so lovely. I'm hoping the bush will spread as the years continue and more blooms are produced.
In front of the lilacs (see how tall the bushes have become) is a maple. It's gotten larger as well. Just ignore the wisteria trying to grow under it. Wisteria is beautiful but so invasive. DH will have fun cutting it out soon. In fact, wisteria spreads all over the place so once they're almost done blooming, the clippers will come out. That maple is spreading its limbs over a huge area. Love it!!
Ok, I'm got some weaving done but what I'm glad to have done is another UFO. It's a big wall hanging that just spoke to me when I saw the kit at a quilt show a few years ago. Not sure where I'll hang it, but it's definitely eye catching!! The free motion quilting held me up for awhile. The more you free motion quilt, the more confident one becomes, just like in weaving.
Time to get back to the loom. I've got fabric done on my loom to cut off and another warp ready to go on the loom. Also, another UFO to work on.....
It's nice to check off a project as done and go on to the next one.
Until next week, keep weaving!
I'm loving my lilac bush, too! I can smell it from the porch! Great going on your wall hanging...you'll get a lot of enjoyment from that.