Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Things We Love

Warp on the back beam, nice and neat!

 Thru the heddles what a treat!
White warps are one of our favorite things,
Black warps too, just make us sing!
 Painted shawl warps are a treat,

and when they are threaded we think they are sweet!

Pastels when pups are on the loose,

even rigid heddles are put to use.
 Pat's green warp had me thinking of St. Pat's day,

while this blue warp should be woven by May!

 Placemats are always regular fare,

with  tons of 8/4 cotton we are eager to share!

Warps in colors on great big rug looms,

and wee little Inkles, too!

Last weeks empty  Rug looms warp,

was cut, hand knotted and  looks real sharp!

All the while, Pat wound Carl's new warp
and Sharon and Harriet got a brand new start!

Until next week, Happy Weaving, Tina for all


  1. Tina--you are a lady with many talents!!! Thank you!

  2. Sweet! Spending time with the Tuesday weaver's is always a treat!

  3. Tina: weaver, spinner, knitter, animal lover, grandmother extraordinaire, and now, poet! Well done!
