Thursday, March 3, 2016

Still At It

  Although the day started with beautiful sunshine, we now have wee snow showers spitting on us here on the Ridge.  But, that's early spring here in East Tennessee.  The daffodils and Lenten Roses are proclaiming the coming of longer, warmer days.

And, my silly ornamental magnolia is so sure that it must be time to bloom!  You KNOW what will happen next, don't you?  I'm sure that just as soon as they get open, we'll get a big ole freeze that will kill all of those luscious blossoms.

  So far, this is the only hyacinth outside that is blooming.  I wonder what happened to the purple and pink ones????  Moles, maybe???  I do have more than my fair share of those little critters!

Thankfully, I have some hyacinths I've forced here in the house.   These were bulbs that I bought last Fall, but, they didn't get put in the ground.  Actually, I'm rather glad I didn't!  They have been a delight to have inside to brighten up these gray days.

  And, not to be outdone, the cactus has decided to bloom (again!)  Would this make it a Lenten Cactus????

  I didn't take a picture of my've already seen it.  How about I get a picture of the finished product...whenever that happens!!!!  I just might be a little behind on my schedule for this year!!!

Enjoy your first weekend of March....this is never a dull month!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Lenten roses are trying to put on a show here and the daffodils are just starting to poke leaves up. I wouldn't be surprised if they see snow again, but it usually is the wet nuisance variety that doesn't stick around more than a day and its sole purpose is to make additional mud.
