Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ode to Strickler

  I'm not going to get into my day....too much of the "real life" stuff there.  I want to salute this wonderful book!!!
  Personally, I can spend hours studying the pages of this book.  I learned about profile drafts from this book!  It's my go-to when I want to find something out of the ordinary!
  Tuesday night after I got home from the Center, I pulled out my Strickler so I could do my drawdown for the throws I'm going to put on Big Bertha.  I'm using #652 on page 198.  Dogwood patterns are always popular in this neck of the woods.  It was the drawdown started forming, I couldn't see any dogwoods....then, they started to appear!  I think it will be like that when I start weaving the throws, too.  Magic!!!!
  Maybe one day....when it's not the end of a year or the beginning of a new year or there's no rush to finish something for one of the shows....I might just put on a warp just to play with some of the wonderful patterns in this book!  Wouldn't that be fun?
  And, if you are on Facebook, there is a group called "Strickler In Color."  I think those folks like to see the patterns appear, too!  It's magic!

Happy Weaving!


  1. I LOVE that book! Along with Margarite Porter Davison's book of Patterns too.

    Of course for rag rugs, it's Janet Meany's and Paula Pfaff's Rag Rug Handbook.

    When I was a new weaver, all alone with no other weavers around, the books were my only source to learn and figure out how to do patterns. now with the internet, and blogs, the sky is the limit!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (our Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  2. I've almost worn out my copy thumbing through it and making notes in the margins. The dogwood pattern is one I have looked at numerous times.....maybe this will be the year it makes from page to loom! Have fun!!!

  3. I do need to dig that book out now that my 8 harness has decided to behave, at least I think it has!
