Tuesday, December 8, 2015


  The Tuesday Weavers joined in today to help Carl celebrate his birthday.  On Sunday, our favorite weaver turned 90 years old!!!!

  After a weekend of celebrating with his family, he came to weaving today and wove a rug!  Now, that's the way to PARTY!

  Carl sets such a great example to our new weavers.  There's always something new to learn.

  There are always folks around to help you out and answer your questions.

   Sometimes, you just put your thinking cap on and get the job done.  It's all a process.

  Then you get to weave.........

  Of course, there's always time to catch up with friends.

    Or, consult with another weaver about donated equipment.

    Then, there's those times when you need help deciding on just the right weft to go with a painted warp.

There's always warps to finish up and warps that need to go on a loom.

Some warps are easier than others.....right, Tina????

  There's always something to do.

And, there's always something to share.  (Someone took a basket class!!!)

  There's always time to admire a friend's unique weaving creation and learn something new.

  There's always time to celebrate a friend's special day!
Happy Birthday, Carl!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Please pass on my congratulations to Carl. Many happy birthday wishes and here's to many more years of happy weaving.

  2. Happy Birthday Carl! Another wonderful Tuesday well spent!

  3. You should have seen that warp about 10 minutes before that picture was taken! Not for the faint of heart!
