Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 Is In The Books

OK....so what IS going on over there????

Yes....that's Sharen holding the ski shuttle up in the air.....and Carol is winding thread onto a bobbin.

OH......five strands of 8/2 got wound on a shuttle instead of using 8/4!!!!  We don't want to waste all that thread, so let's wind it onto bobbins to use later as weft.

  The Tuesday Weavers stepped in to help.....we have several projects going that are using 8/2.  It will get used.

  Since this is the last get together in 2015, I thought you might like to see some of the projects on the looms today.  Take a look:

  Scarves, shawls, towels, rugs and walker bags.....you'll find all of them on our looms!!!

We went over to the Museum of Appalachia for lunch...this has become a lovely end of the year tradition for the Tuesday Weavers.

We'll see you
"next year!"

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to dropping in on Weds with you all in 2016. What a wonderful blog you have. I only wish I lived closer and could do a real drop in!
    Cheers and Happy New Year!
