Thursday, October 22, 2015

Remember These???

  I wove these towels awhile back at the Center, and had a big threading error on the green towel:  an extra repeat of the "B" block.  The red towels had a tension issue on the right selvedge.  The towels worked their way to the bottom of my to-do pile, but it's time to do some fixing.

  I've come to the conclusion that towels are the size that YOU want them to be!
  I pulled three towels from the drawer, and they are all different:  18"X 22", 16"X 25", 14"X 22".  So, there's hope for the green towel!!!    That extra large block can be trimmed off and hemmed on that side...problem solved!  As for the red towels, they are going to get side hems, also.  A simple turn over twice will fix that!

  Yes.....more straw loom kits!  Did I tell you we sold 33 of the 38 we took to Homecoming???
  The Weavers have started bringing me their yarn to wind, and I picked up straws at the $$ store.  I want to get ahead of the rush and be ready for the Foothills show.

  The poinsettia plants have returned to the living room!  We had a frost/freeze warning last weekend, and I rushed around and brought the plants in.  You might remember that I pruned these back to stubs last Spring when they went outside, and just look at them now!!!!
  Next comes the top leaves turning red....hopefully just in time for Christmas!

  And, speaking of Christmas, some of my cacti are rushing the season!  Either that, or they think they are Halloween cacti!!!! 
  Several of them had already started setting buds before I brought them inside, and they are going full tilt now!    It should be interesting to see who all blooms early.

  We have four weeks until the Foothills show, and I know we'll all be in a tizzy getting things finished.  It is that time of year.

Happy Weaving!